Samsung has started the year with the launch of its latest S-series smartphone, the Galaxy S21. The company offers three new phones in the S21 series – Galaxy S21, S21 Plus and Galaxy S21 Ultra. The Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra has the most advanced camera configuration thanks to a Penta camera module with a 108 megapixel sensor. Obviously, the results are impressive and if you are looking for the Pixel Camera application for your Galaxy S21 series phone, you have come to the right place. You can download the Google Camera for Samsung Galaxy S21, S21 Plus and S21 Ultra [Exynos and Snapdragon] here.
Google Camera for the Samsung Galaxy S21 [Best GCam Camera]
According to specifications, the vanilla Galaxy S21 contains the same three-lens camera as last year’s Galaxy S20. The Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G contour camera module includes a 108-megapixel main camera, a 10-megapixel phone periscope sensor, a 10-megapixel telephoto lens, a 12-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens and an autofocus laser sensor. The 108-megapixel next-generation sensor uses Remosaic technology and nine pixels are combined to create a 12-megapixel master image.
Samsung has worked meticulously to improve image quality, autofocus issues and other issues. On the software side, the Galaxy S21 Ultra’s standard camera application uses AI to take better pictures in low light. The archive camera application also includes Samsung’s famous single shot feature, Pro mode, 8K video recording mode and other features. It takes great photos in almost all conditions. However, if you want to improve the quality of your camera, you can put Google Camera on your Galaxy S21 smartphone.
Fortunately, the Google Camera application (aka GCam Mod Port) works on both Snapdragon and Exynos variants of the Galaxy S21 trio. It has a list of useful features, such as the expected astrophotography mode, night vision mode, PhotoSphere, slow motion, Playground (AR sticker), RAW support, HDR + mode, panorama, lens blur, portrait mode (with focus slider), Google Lens mode and a few others. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to manually download and install the Google Camera application on the Galaxy S21, S21 Plus and S21 Ultra.
Download the Google camera for the Samsung Galaxy S21, S21 Plus and S21 Ultra [Snapdragon].
Besides performance, one of the best things about the Snapdragon variant of the Galaxy S21 series is that you can easily slide the GCam port to the side. There are several GCam mod ports available for the Snapdragon variant. Below we have attached three different Google Camera Mods that you can use on the Galaxy S21 series smartphones. Here are the download links.
After installing the application, you need to make a few changes in the settings to get the best results. Below are the recommended settings to perform after loading the GCam modem on your Galaxy S21 series smartphone.
Download the Google camera for the Samsung Galaxy S21, S21 Plus and S21 Ultra [Exynos].
If you want to use the Pixel Camera application, also known as GCam, on your Exynos-equipped Galaxy S21 smartphone, your smartphone only has some GCam mod ports that you can download in parallel. Thanks to Zoran for porting the application to run on Galaxy phones powered by Exynos. Below we have attached the latest version of Google Camera 7.4 port by Zoran that you can download on your Galaxy S21 series phone to capture great photos. Here are the download links.
The best thing about the ZGCam port is the sporty Night Sight feature, yes, you can use the Night Sight on the Galaxy S21 series with ZGam. To enable this feature, you need to follow the recommended settings below on your phone, so you can easily take great photos without the application crashing.
Note: Before installing the new Gcam mod application, you should uninstall the old version (if you have it installed). This is not a stable version of Google Camera, so it may contain some bugs. If you notice any bugs in the application, such as crashes or delays, I recommend you to follow the installation process.
Recommended settings :
- First, download the configuration file for your device from the links above.
- Create a new folder named GCam in the root folder, then open the GCam folder and create the Configs folder.
- Next, copy the configuration file to the /Internal Storage/GCam/Configs7/ folder.
- Open Google Camera and tap twice on the empty black space next to the shutter button.
- Click on the displayed settings available in the pop-up window and click the “Restore” button.
- Return to the application drawer and reopen the application.
Screenshots :
To install Google Camera on the Galaxy S21 series (Exynos and Snapdragon).
- First, download the GCam mod from the link above.
- After downloading, install Google Camera apk on Samsung Galaxy S21, S21+ and S21 Ultra.
- Open the application and grant the necessary authorizations, for example, for camera, microphone, memory, and location.
- Here’s how.
So capture the beautiful moments of your life effortlessly with the Galaxy S21 smartphone with the Pixel 5 photo app.
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Frequently asked questions
How do I download a Google camera to my Samsung?
How to install the Google Camera Module in an Android smartphone …
How do I install the Google Camera application on my Samsung?
Download GCam for Galaxy S10, S10+ and S10e (. apk) After downloading GCam, install the application by first pressing the “Download completed” warning in the S10 notification bar. Then make sure your browser allows the installation of unknown applications, and press “Install” when prompted.
Is the Samsung M21 compatible with GCam?
Fortunately, GCam 7.2 is available for galaxy M21. . . The Samsung Galaxy M21 runs on Android 10 with a 2.0 user interface and, most importantly, the Camera2 API is enabled by default. Yes, you can easily load GCam from the site onto the Galaxy M21 just like any other third-party application.
Related Tags:
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